About Our Members-The Coffee Muggers.

Our members are the essence of this group. From retired members to members who are still in the workforce, we accommodate their needs.

To accommodate our members availability, our get-togethers are typically held twice a month – one is on a Friday and the other is held a fortnight later on a Saturday.  This has proven to be a successful formula for all of our wonderful members!
We’d love to welcome you to the ‘Coffee Muggers’ family. Please scroll to the bottom of the page to join us at our next exciting event.

Please read before joining The Coffee Muggers.

Question 1

Please provide us with your email address so we may send you our get-together notifications. Failure to provide your email will be a reason for non-acceptance to the group.

Question 2

This is a 2-part question.

Part 1 – Do you wish your surname initial and first name to appear on our members’ page? Yes/No. Part 2 – What suburb do you live in? This way we can plan our get togethers better in the future.


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